Thomas W. Brady


After ten years of experience as a design engineer for a mechanical contracting company in Chicago Mr. Brady formed Brady Consulting Services in 1983. Since 1992 Brady Consulting Services has specialized in the design and economic evaluation of large central cooling, electric power and heating plants that serve private as well as commercial district energy systems throughout the world. The company provides services to several Electric Utility, University and private energy development companies, for whom it has designed projects involving all forms of district energy especially district cooling.

Mr. Brady pioneered the use of ice-based thermal storage for air-conditioning of individual buildings beginning in 1976 and was a founding member of the International Thermal Storage Advisory Council. He has authored several articles and has given more than 30 seminars on the subject of thermal storage and large cooling systems. Mr. Brady has been granted a US patent (# 5383339) for development of energy saving applications involving thermal storage systems.

From 1982 through 1986 Mr. Brady provided technical support to both the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) and the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) in the United States for their development of electric demand side management marketing tools and rate structures. As part of that effort Mr. Brady collaborated with more than 20 electric utility companies and their major clients, engineers and contractors to demonstrate the effectiveness of using thermal storage systems for electric demand management.

Mr. Brady has been responsible for the conceptual design, economic analysis and portions of the detailed design and commissioning for more than thirty-five district energy plants. The combined output of those plants exceeds 1,100,000 tons of cooling, and 2,000 MM BTU of steam and hot water generation. Collectively these projects provide more than 120 mW of electric generating capacity, 260 mW of electric demand management capability and contain more than 1,200,000 ton-hours of ice-based thermal storage. Eight of the plants serve multiple building, single customer loads, while the rest of the plants serve urban district energy systems.


  • B.S., Specializing in Mathematics & Economics. Xavier University, 1968


  • American Society of Heating, Refrigerating, and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE)
  • International District Energy Association (IDEA)
  • International Institute of Refrigeration (IIR)
  • International Institute of Ammonia Refrigeration (IIAR)