Brady District Energy (BDE) is able to provide any one or all of the following services in order to support a client’s needs.
- CONCEPT DESIGN: BDE will create the Conceptual Design for an entire District Energy System that will meet the defined client objectives and achieve energy efficiency targets.
- DETAILED DESIGN: BDE will prepare or participate with others in the preparation of the Detailed Design documents for an entire District Energy System.
- CONSTRUCTION COST ESTIMATES: BDE will prepare detailed and fully supported Construction Cost Evaluations for the district energy plant(s) distribution piping systems and energy transfer stations.
- TENDER DOCUMENTS: BDE will prepare specifications and tender documents for owner purchased equipment and construction packages.
- ANNUAL O&M COST ESTIMATES: BDE will prepare annual energy usage models that will allow estimation of the yearly utility costs and will assemble all annual costs for operation, maintenance and repair of plant, distribution and energy transfer station assets.
- FINANCIAL MODELING & SENSITVITY ANALYSES: BDE will create a Business Financial Model with Implementation Plan that will analyze investment returns based on a full range of varied cost inputs.
- TOTAL SYSTEM OTIMIZATION: BDE will use the results of financial modeling to optimize the design and operation of plant(s) distribution piping and energy transfer stations. This will include preparation of plant control system sequences that will implement the optimization strategies.
- DUE DILIGENCE AUDITS: BDE will prepare an audit of construction documents & the business plan to qualify projects for investment
- COMMISSIONING: BDE will perform Commissioning throughout entire project and will supervise the start-up and performance testing of all district energy system equipment and related components.
- OPERATOR TRAINING: BDE will conduct training for the Operators of the district energy system.